Get in Contact

Would you like to get in Contact? Simply fill in the form below. Feel free to get in contact for any reason; have you seen a mistake, have a suggestion or just want to say something? This is the form to use.

Tarot Nova is especially looking for writers who would like to become part of the Tarot Nova staff. This would mean contributing regularly or semi-regularly. If you would like to get involved with this or like some more information, we’d be very pleased to hear from you.

Finally, Tarot Nova is looking to accept guest posts, as well as posts about anything tarot related that you may be working on which you think may be of interest to the wider community. Please get in contact through this form and we will be in touch, and consider the following guidelines if you’d like to write an article with us.

  • The article MUST have unique wording. You can rewrite old content if you wish, but try to cover something that we haven’t already covered.
  • The article must be related to Tarot or a similar form of divination that readers may find interesting (Any form of cartomancy should be fine, but don’t be afraid to talk about other forms of divination too!)
  • The article must be at least 800 words (If it’s over 2000, we can talk about splitting it in two or more posts)
  • The article must provide value to the reader
  • The article cannot be a blatant advertisement for a product or service
  • An image or images would be helpful to include, but I can source these separately if not
  • Tarot Nova will supply a link to your website, service, Instagram profile etc at the start/end of the article. The article will be posted to our Facebook page.

Submissions are currently closed