How a Tarot Reader learned Lenormand

The following is a guest post; Chelsea is 27, and a professional tarot reader from Southern California. You can find out more about her at her website; Pigeon Sauvage Tarot. I love Tarot. Since I write about it, run an online community about it, and devote most of my social media and any spare cash toContinue reading “How a Tarot Reader learned Lenormand”

Breaking the Tarot Rules

Anyone who has dipped their toes into the tarot waters is aware of the Do’s and Don’ts list that seems to pop up on almost every tarot website and blog. Many of these things are superstition (stealing a deck is a no-no, and will not make your readings more accurate!). Some are pulled from traditionContinue reading “Breaking the Tarot Rules”

Dear Pixie

Tarot Reader Rebecca, 36, from England, writes an open letter to her heroine, RWS artist Pamela Colman Smith. Dear Pixie, You know that project that you inked for Arthur, Tarot Cards, back in 1909? Well, you won’t believe this, but they’re a worldwide phenomenon now!!! No, honestly, I’m not making it up! You’re worshipped byContinue reading “Dear Pixie”

Can AI Perform Tarot Readings?

Tarot readings have been a popular way for people to gain insight into their lives and make decisions for centuries. Traditionally, tarot readings are performed by a human tarot reader, who interprets the meanings of the cards and provides guidance and advice to the person receiving the reading. However, with the advancements in artificial intelligence,Continue reading “Can AI Perform Tarot Readings?”