Happy new year all

Welcome to 2020, and a Happy new year from all at Tarot Nova (so, just me then!) I hope that 2019 was a good year for you and that this continues into 2020. There was a massive issue on the site which meant that no links were working, which is now fixed. Hooray!

Here are the plans for Tarot nova this year:

  • Further work on the card descriptions, they need some more details and I like to review them every now and then to make sure I haven’t made any silly mistakes!
  • Work on and add more the spreads, I have lots written down that I just need to turn into fancy graphics and upload. Also, the current graphics could do with improving.
  • Change the site theme, this one seems to break a lot and has a very heavy feeling, something light and easy to read would be ideal.
  • Work on the Tarot deck! I’ve been meaning to do this for ages, so now is a good time to start. Expect to hear about this some point this year, there is no rush!
  • Add a bunch more articles I have planned, as well as reach out to others whom would like to contribute to the site.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy January. It’s a busy one for me, so my next post will likely be on Tarot Nova’s first birthday, which I have unofficially set to be April 1st (or thereabouts)

I have been cutting down my social media use, but there is a page for us which you may follow if you feel so inclined: https://www.facebook.com/Tarot-Nova
