I hope you all had a brilliant June. I certainly did! June marks my Birthday, and is also the third month of Tarot Nova. It’s been a busy month here on Tarot Nova! I’m starting to enjoy these monthly posts; it makes me realise how much work is going into Tarot Nova. The very lofty goal is to become the best free Tarot resource online. While there are many good sites, I hope I’m offering something fun and easy to read, easy to understand and useful. Lets get onto the updates!
More card meanings added!
Previously I mentioned the 8th of July would be the final date for all of the tarot card meanings to be added. Well, this just isn’t going to happen I’m afraid. With my birthday, I took a week off, and things at work got in the way, yada yada I won’t make excuses. I got too busy and couldn’t do it, it’s as simple as that! However, the Pentacles suit has been started (we’re currently up to the Seven of Pentacles), and it’s looking like these will be finished within the week. I am hoping by the end of July that another suit is completed. Slow and steady!
The Ethics of Tarot – A guest article
The first guest article in June was posted by Chelsea, from the Tarot discord server, you can view the article here. The article is so insightful, and deals with creating a code of ethics. What should you use tarot for? Everyone is different, but Chelsea gives you a look at how she uses Tarot and her decisions behind her choices.
Breaking the Tarot Rules – A guest article
The second guest article was also written by Chelsea! This article deals with how tarot has evolved now to have codified rules, and talks about the subjectivity of Tarot as a whole. “ Let me be crystal clear- there aren’t rules in tarot, other than the ones you choose to follow. ” is a brilliant quote from the article. Check it out here.
How a Tarot Reader learned Lenormand- A guest article
The final guest article was also from Chelsea. Thanks Chelsea! This article deals with Lenormand, another form of cartomancy. A little autobiographical, a lot informational, this article explains how Lenormand works, and what you might expect coming from Tarot. Check it out here!
The Tarot FAQ
You might have seen a new option on the menu; the Tarot FAQ. This is an enormous post I decided to create to have a one-stop place for all of those small questions you have when you are just starting out. What is Tarot? Is Tarot dangerous at all? Where did Tarot come from? Find out in the Tarot FAQ!
The big article plan
This month I’ve been planning some articles of my own! Seeing questions and conversations on the tarot discord server is good inspiration for some articles. While some of these questions may just become a part of the Tarot FAQ, others are more deserving of a full post. I’m hoping to get a few published in July. I really enjoy writing articles, and while turning my notes in to card meanings is important, it can be a bit of a slog now and then.
Write with us!
As always, I’m opening up the floor to anybody who wishes to write about Tarot. Please visit the Contact page for more information. Also, if you’d just like to have a chat, by all means send a message too.
Well, what an update. Once again a big thank you to Chelsea and her insane three article contribution! I hope you all stick around and see Tarot Nova grow. Thanks for taking the time to read the post and leave a comment or get in touch if you’d like to have a chat.