All Tarot card meanings completed!

We finally got there! All of the card meanings for each tarot card are now live on! You can check them out by clicking the links below.

So what is next for Tarot Nova? There is quite a lot to add. While I’m happy to be at this stage so soon, the site is far from finished. In fact I’m not sure if it will ever be finished. The following features will be worked on next:

  • Spreads
  • Reverse meanings
  • Symbology analysis of each card
  • Card relationships

Tarot card spreads are the priority now. I have a large notepad of spreads to turn into diagrams and write up.

While I don’t use reverse meanings myself, I understand that others do! Reverse meanings will be added promptly, either to the existing card or possibly as their own page.

Symbology, especially of the Rider-Waite deck, is an interesting topic to look into. I’d like to explore it through

Finally card relationships. While we already list astrological relationships, the cards relate to each other in certain special ways too. These will be added to the existing card description pages.

I’ll be taking a break for a week or so from now to organise for the future. Thanks for sticking around on Tarot Nova~!